BJT Biasings for iOS

Please note – I stopped paying my Apple developer subscription and as such, this app is no longer available for download.

This is an iOS app that I originally made to help students in my electronics classes to better understand the inner workings of various BJT circuits. I will often ask the students “What will happen to the Q-point if Rb was to increase?” or “What if I replaced the transistor with one that had a lower gain?”

Often the students would struggle to visualise what would actually happen. This app allows the user to adjust the values of the resistors, power supply and transistor gain by use of slide bars. The Q-point will then be plotted in real time as each slide bar is moved.

The app will also calculate in real time, the values of Ib, Ic, Vce, Icsat, Vceco. It will also calculate Vb and Ve for the voltage divider bias circuit.

You can download the app for free from the App Store.

Home Screen

Here you can select one of the three biasing circuits.

Fixed Bias Circuit

You are able to adjust Rb, Rc, Vcc and β. The Q-Point will be plotted in real time as the sliders are adjusted.

Fixed Bias With Emitter Resistor Circuit

You are able to adjust Rb, Rc, Re, Vcc and β. The Q-Point will be plotted in real time as the sliders are adjusted.

Voltage Divider Bias Circuit

You are able to adjust Rb1, Rb2, Re, Rc and Vcc. The Q-Point will be plotted in real time as the sliders are adjusted.

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What’s the app called. I tried all kinds of names on my iPhone!?

Can you make this available in the UK app store too please

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