Digirule 2, 2A and 2U

The Digirule 2 is essentially an 8-bit programmable binary computer of the 1970’s – built into a 20cm ruler.

Programming the Digirule 2U

There are currently three different versions of the Digirule 2. More information on each version can be found in the links below:


When I have stock, you can purchase a Digirule 2 from my Tindie store. Click on the Tindie image below to be taken to my store:

I sell on Tindie


The Digirule 2 was successfully funded on Kickstarter on the 28th of June 2018 where 487 backers pledged $22,097AUD. Kickstarter link HERE.
The Digirule 2A was successfully funded on Kickstarter on the 29th of May 2019 (which only ran for 48 hours) where 149 backers pledged $6,149AUD. Kickstarter link HERE.
The Digirule 2U was successfully funded on Kickstarter on the 17th of September 2020 where 629 backers pledged $38,849AUD. Kickstarter link HERE.

Digirule 2

The Digirule 2 is essentially an 8-bit binary computer of the 1970’s, built into a 20cm ruler. It features an 8-bit address bus, 8-bit data bus, data input buttons and 33 instructions for you to code your own programs.

Digirule 2 Features (Front)
Digirule 2 Features (Rear)

Digirule 2 – Instruction Set

With an instruction set consisting of 33 instructions – the Digirule 2 can be programmed to perform all sorts of tasks, including fun games such as the classic ‘kill-the-bit’ game for the Altair 8800 or perhaps a Knightrider LED scanner, binary counter or a simple game of two player pong!

An excel spreadsheet allows you to easily write your code in mnemonic form – it will then automatically convert it into binary machine code for you to enter into the Digirule 2:

Digirule 2 Excel Coder

Digirule 2 – Features

  • Dimensions 209mm x 40mm x 1.6mm
  • 33 Instructions
  • Open Source Hardware and Software
  • Powered by an 8-bit Microchip PIC18F43K20 Microcontroller
  • 256 Byte program memory space
  • 8-bit data bus
  • 8-bit address bus
  • Eight blocks of 256 Byte flash memory to store your programs
  • Eight address LED’s
  • Eight Data LED’s
  • Eight Data input buttons

Digirule 2 – Videos

Digirule 2 Preview

Getting Started With the Digirule 2

Digirule 2 Downloads

The following ZIP file contains the Bill of Materials, schematic, source code, PCB layout and Gerber files, User Manual, firmware and Excel Code maker for both the Digirule 2 and Digirule 2A:

Digirule 2 and 2A Files (2925 downloads)

Digirule 2A

The Digirule 2A is essentially an 8-bit binary computer of the 1970’s, built into a 20cm PCB ruler. It features an 8-bit address bus, 8-bit data bus, eight data input buttons and 35 instructions for you to code your own programs. You will notice the Digirule 2A is virtually identical to the Digirule 2. The only differences being the extra two instructions printed on the rear of the device and the RUN/STOP LED’s being positioned below the switch in the 2A version. The major difference between the Digirule 2 and the Digirule 2A is in the firmware. The updated firmware has been re-written from scratch in C instead of Basic – by Brent Hauser (who is now the second member of the Digirule 2 team!).


Digirule 2A Features (Front)

Digirule 2A – Instruction Set

With an instruction set consisting of 35 instructions – the Digirule 2A can be programmed to perform all sorts of tasks, including fun games such as ‘kill-the-bit’ which was made famous on the Altair 8800 or perhaps a Knightrider LED scanner, binary counter or binary calculator.

An Excel spreadsheet allows you to easily write your code in mnemonic form – it will then automatically convert it into binary machine code for you to enter into the Digirule 2A:

Digirule 2A Excel Coder

Digirule 2A – Features

  • Dimensions 209mm x 40mm x 1.6mm
  • 35 Instructions
  • Open Source Hardware and Software
  • Powered by an 8-bit Microchip PIC18F45K20 Microcontroller
  • 256 Byte program memory space (four bytes are reserved)
  • 8-bit data bus
  • 8-bit address bus
  • Eight blocks of 256 Byte flash memory to save your programs
  • Eight address LED’s
  • Eight Data LED’s
  • Eight Data input buttons
  • CR2032 battery is not included due to shipping restrictions

Digirule 2A – Videos

Kit soldering instructional video. This video will give those who have bought the Digirule 2A (or 1A) kit a few tips on how to solder their kit together:

Digirule 2A Kit Soldering Tutorial

Digirule 2A – Downloads

The download below features the Digirule 2 and 2A sourcecode, schematic, PCB design, gerber, user manual and excel spreadsheet coder and also the soldering kit instructions. A big thank you to Brent Hauser for his updated Digirule 2A firmware!

Digirule 2 and 2A Files (2925 downloads)

Digirule 2U

The Digirule 2U is basically an 8-bit programmable computer from the 1970’s, built into a 20cm Ruler. You can program binary code directly into the Digirule 2U using the push buttons and LED’s or you can write programs in assembly language on your computer then download them to the Digirule 2U via USB.

Programming the Digirule 2U

The Digirule 2U is the most feature-rich version of the Digirule to date. With 54 instructions, USB support, built-in serial debug monitor, full-featured assembler, 8-bit address bus, 8-bit data bus, eight 256-byte permanent memory slots and loads more.

With the Digirule 2U – You can discover the fascinating world of programming a computer in the actual language that the computer understands – binary!

You can code your own LED games, perform calculations, send and receive data to/from a computer or even another Digirule 2U. Each Digirule 2U comes pre-loaded with eight programs including ‘Hello World’, ‘Mastermind’ and ‘Prime Number Calculator’. The Digirule 2U features eight permanent memory locations where you can store your own awesome programs.

Digirule 2U – Features

Digirule 2U – Hardware

All the hardware that makes up this awesome 8-bit computer is built into the Digirule 2U PCB.

Digirule 2U Hardware


Digirule 2U – Instruction Set

With an instruction set consisting of 54 instructions – you can write some awesome programs!

Digirule 2U Instruction Set

Digirule 2U – Debug Monitor

A feature-rich serial debug monitor is built into the Digirule 2U firmware. Simply plug the Digirule 2U into your USB port, load up your favourite serial terminal and start hacking into your Digirule 2U programs with your computer keyboard!

Digirule 2U Debug Monitor

Digirule 2U – Assembler

Write your Digirule 2U programs in assembly language then assemble them using the powerful Digirule 2U assembler!

Digirule 2U Assembler

Digirule 2U – USB Firmware Updater

The Digirule 2U has a built-in firmware updater allowing you to update the firmware without any extra hardware or programmer!

Digirule 2U USB Firmware Updater

Digirule 2U – Software Tools

The Digirule 2U features a set of command line tools including the Digirule 2U assembler and firmware updater, for macOS, Windows and Linux operating systems.

Digirule 2U Software Tools

Digirule 2U – Videos

Digirule 2U Advertisement (Are you keeping up with the Digirule?)

Digirule 2U Walkthrough

Digirule 2U – Team

The Digirule 2U hardware was designed byย Bradley Slattery (bradsprojects)ย andย Brent Hauser (kd0gls).ย The Digirule 2U firmware and software tools includingย adr2ย assembler,ย udr2ย firmware updater andย dldr2ย file downloader were all developed byย kd0gls. The sample programs that are built-in to the Digirule 2U were developed byย kd0glsย andย Olivier Lecluse.

We were both helped out greatly byย Olivier Lecluseย via the Digirule 2U Discord server.ย Olivierย has made all sorts of great sample programs for use on the Digirule 2U as well as a bunch of cool software tools that have been made for the Digirule 2U.

Digirule 2U – Third Party Tools

The Digirule 2 community has been around for a couple of years now and there have been some awesome third party tools developed for the Digirule 2 platform.

Olivier and Thomas Lecluseย have developed an amazing GUI based Digirule 2 development environment written in Python namedย DigiQt.

Athanasios Anastasiouย has come up with a great set of Digirule 2 development tools written in Python namedย dgtools.

Luke Drummย has made a fantastic online assembler and basic interpreter for the Digirule 2U namedย digirulenotes.

Chris Perrodย has taken what Luke Drumm has made and made it even better by allowing you to run a real-time simulation of the Address and Data LEDs. Check out the link HERE.

Digirule 2U – Downloads

You can find downloads for the Digirule 2U including user manual, schematic, sourcecode, PCB design files, Bill of Materials, firmware and more at the Digirule 2U GitHub Repo HERE.

You can check out the online version of the Digirule 2U User Manuals in the links below:


The Digirule 2 line of programmable computers has seen a nice little community create their own assemblers, compilers and programs for the Digirule 2, 2A and 2U.

Olivier Lecluse and his son Thomas created a feature-rich Digirule 2, 2A and 2U simulator called ‘DigiQt’. It is with great sadness that I mention that Olivier passed away just after he released DigiQt. Olivier was a very active member of the Digirule 2 community and his presence will be sorely missed. You can find DigiQt HERE.

Luke Drumm has made a fantastic Digirule 2/2A Assembler and can be found HERE.

Luke has also made a Basic Compiler which can be found HERE.

User Uploads

If you’ve made a program that you’d like to share with others, feel free to upload it using the form below:

Upload files

You can browse the user upload directory by clicking HERE.

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I see the tindie store is out of stock. How can I get one?
Is it very difficult to make my own? I am a programmer that enjoys enjoys reading electronics and computer science books like The Art Of Electronics and Elements Of Computing Systems.

@Brad did you solder them one by one? How did you assemble the items in the Bill of Materials?

Based on the great job done by Luke Drumm ( who allowed the hack, thank you Luke ! ), a real-time version of his Digirulenotes, coded for teaching purposes :
(Don’t be scared by the IP, it’s an academic server, no domain name ๐Ÿ˜‰

2U arrived fully assembled! (I was almost looking forward to the solder party)
Couldn’t upload my countdown timer, so I’ve githubbed it. First program written in assembly, makes me happy. https://github.com/TroyFletcher/Digirule_countdown_timer

v1.0 of the Digimulator project is out : https://github.com/profjahier/digimulator/. With the new editor, writing programs for the digirule is so easy

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Following the notes from Athanasios Anastasiou (https://dgtools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/instruction_set_notes.html) about the digirule instructions set, I have added some new instructions to the digirule.
I made a custom firmware and uploaded it on my digirule (a pickit device is needed). This is so cool to be able to add new instruction to our CPU !

If you can’t flash your device, you can still test these new instruction on the digimulator (https://github.com/profjahier/digimulator/).

All the details, firmware source and instructions usage are described here :

These look like so much fun to use!

Will they ever be back in stock?

Just got mine…wow, is it awesome!
Only took a couple hours to solder up. I spent last evening puzzling over the instructions on the back and messing around. Absolutely fantastic device!
10/10 will “waste” a lot of my time.

I have uploaded a little program for the digirule to perform multiplication using the russian (or egyptian) method as explained in this @numberphile video : https://youtu.be/HJ_PP5rqLg0
mult.txt is the simplest one : the two numbers are hard-coded into the program
mult2.txt is a bit more sophisticated as the numbers are typed by the user using an Input subroutine By Jaap Scherphuis from the add program.

Here is a little demonstration using the digirule simulator : (Click the image below to show the animation).
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which typ of processor is simulated there?

Hi Brad

a photograph of my computer class students using Digirule…a great success, some of them now want to buy one ( so bad they’re out of stock…)

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Thank you so much again for having made hard things much more playful


Excellent ๐Ÿ™‚ Quel type d’activitรฉs leur proposes-tu ?

Digirule Simulator :
Ronan Jahier and I wrote a little simulator for the digirule in Python :
It features
– a step by step execution with a complete view of the ram
– an embedded assembler with the same syntax as digirulenotes.com
– a basic Tk interface, easy to use.

The goal is to make the development of new programs for the digirule easier.

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Thank you. It took us about 6 days. It is written in python, this is not designed to work in a browser, but as a desktop application. We did it because we love your digirule and as teachers, we think it could be useful for student to learn how computers work at a very basic level. But we have two problems for that : we don’t have digirule for everyone, and programs are not easy to type in and debug. This simulator aims to solve these problems : as a desktop app, we can bring the digirule to each student,… Read more »

Glad you like it ! We do too… ๐Ÿ™‚

Thank you for your offer. My collegue and I thought about making 10 digirules using Chris’s PCB. We have a local supplier able to do this, so we are OK. Don’t bother making a special batch for us.

We hope you will enjoy the emulator. Don’t hesitate to report issues or suggest improvements.

Bien jouรฉ Olivier ;-), trรจs beau boulot, bravo !!!

[…] me suis, pour cette partie, inspirรฉ du Digirule 2A. J’ai bien tentรฉ d’en acheter un, mais c’est comme pour les billets pour la Hell […]

I have finished the building of the through hole version of the digirule using Chris Perrod’s gerber files and I am quite happy with the result. I am using a 18F45K20 PIC microcontroller. There is a few problems though with the PCB, but no big deal : 1. There is a missing pul-up on the GOTO button. I had to solder a wire on the back 2. The run and stop LEDs are swapped. I had to make some changes in the source code to make them work as expected (I changed the value of the RUN_LED variable). The STL… Read more »

Woo, nice !! But I was quite sure I updated the files as I obviously encountered the same issues..apparently not, sorry !
Great job !

thanks. It is Chrisโ€™s job that looks amazing. I used different resistors indeed for the white and green leds. I just tried on a breadboard different values until I see about the same brightness. I have 1k on the red ones and 3.3k on the other ones. I didnโ€™t want them to be too bright.

I like this “big” item. Where can I find the files?

Greetings everyone! I’ve been reading with great interest all the activity going on here. At Brad’s suggestion, I’ll chime in with a few thoughts that will hopefully be of use to those of you attempting to get the code running on different hardware. While porting the Digirule 2A code to a different PIC device is certainly doable, there are several hardware-specific details that will need to be taken into account (see below). For those of you not interested in studying datasheets and altering code, may I suggest that your best bet is to stick with the specific part for which… Read more »

Hi. I am trying to build a digirule on a breadboard. I bought a PIC18F4520. I flashed the firmware with a tl866 programmer. At the beginning it seems to work as I have the flashing led animation but then it stops and nothing happens.
I am afraid that 18F4520 and 18F45K20 are not the same ๐Ÿ™ I thought they were.
Is there a hex file that could work on 18f4520 ?

Yes I did, but with no success yes : I can recompile the source for the 18f45k20 so I know the tools are working correctly, but it wont compile for the 18f4520 because registers are not the same : ANSEL, ANSELH, RBPU and WPUB do not exist on the 4520 so I have to figure out what they mean and their equivalent on the 4520. I have some experience with arduinos but I am totally new with PICs. I gess I have some datasheet reading ahead !

I managed to compile a hex file for the 18f4520 but I have the same issue ๐Ÿ™ I wonder if the problem does not come from my tl866 programmer since I have problems to just blink an LED !

the programmer is fine, I can finally blink an led ! maybe the code modifications I had to make in order to compile for 18f4520 are incorrect, maybe the connexions on the breadboard are not good. I ordered 18f45k20 chips so I will know for sure !

Olivier, si tu veux, je peux jeter un oeil ร  ton code pour le 18F4520, j’ai dรฉja adaptรฉ l’original pour le 18F4685 et le 18F45K22. Principalement, c’est le fichier de config qu’il faut changer, et entre le 18F4520 et le 18F45K22 il n’y a pas beaucoup de diffรฉrences…
J’ai eu pas mal de soucis รฉgalement ร  cause d’une broche du PIC qui n’รฉtait pas tirรฉe au +5V, et j’avais exactement le mรชme problรจme que toi : l’anim de dรฉbut fonctionnait, puis plus rien…depuis que j’ai rajoutรฉ la connexion manquante, รงa roule !
Bon courage

Merci de ta proposition, c’est vraiment trรจs sympa de ta part. Comment puis-je t’envoyer mes 2 fichiers (config et main) ?
J’ai un peu modifiรฉ le code pour que รงa compile sur le 18f4520 mais je ne suis pas sรปr du tout de ce que j’ai fait ! En particulier, des options que j’ai du modifier qui touchent ร  des configurations de pullup… J’ai essayรฉ les 2 .hex dans ton archive mais รงa ne marche pas mieux.

J’ai vรฉrifiรฉ les connexions et tout semble correct. Te rappelles-tu la broche que tu avais oubliรฉ et qui provoquait le mรชme symptome ?

My problem seems to be linked with the RB5 port : It should be pulled up but I read 0V. On the other ports B, I read 5V as expected. When I force RB5 high with a 5K pull-up, the startup animation won’t start. When I pull RB5 down, the startup animation starts.

It seems that RB5 needs to be down for the program to start, I don’t understand why. Maybe a config problem.

Nothing new. I received my 18f45k20 but I canโ€™t program them with my tl866 so I ordered a pickit3…


RB5 is the Low-Voltage Programming (LVP) enable pin. Your PIC device is probably configured (through its configuration bits) to enable LVP. The default Digirule 2A firmware disables LVP because RB5 is being used for I/O. The standard High-Voltage Programming capabilities of the PICkit 3 are used instead.

Thank you for your answer, that makes perfect sense. Unfortunately I still can’t get RB5 to go high. I checked config.c : I have
#pragma config LVP = OFF
I tried to put it on and checked the hex files, they are different :
$ diff lvp1.hex lvp0.hex
so the LVP option is present in the hex file. Is there another place to look for this configuration ?
I don’t have a pickit yet so I am using an arduino to program the PIC. I don’t know if this could be an issue.

If I understand correctly, you have a PIC18F45K20 (DIP) on a breadboard. Are you using Brad’s exact circuit (but with adjustments for DIP pin numbers) ? Are you using the default (unmodified) firmware? If not, I recommend you revert to the default hardware and firmware configurations and get that working before modifying anything. If your config.c has LVP disabled then the problem could indeed be your programmer. Third-party programmers are known to have difficulties properly programming configuration bits, but that’s just a guess. Does your programmer use a 5-signal interface, and are they all connected to the proper pins (VPP… Read more »

One other thought just occurred. The Arduino ecosystem is outside my area of expertise, but many of the boards I’ve seen are based around 5V AVR devices. The PIC18F45K20 is strictly a 1V8 to 3V6 device and would almost certainly be destroyed by 5V power or 5V signals. Does your current programmer have the necessary level translation hardware to work with lower voltage devices? The PICkit 3 you’ve ordered will.

I don’t use a 18F45K20 but a 18F4520, I made a mistake when I ordered them, believing they were the same ๐Ÿ™ The 18F4520 is 5V compliant, so no problem with signals from the arduino. I use Brad’s exact same circuit on a breadboard. I checked every connections with a multimeter. I had to change a few thing for the program to compile on 18f4520, maybe I did something wrong here. Here is the beginning of the main function : some of the 18f45K20 registers don’t exist on the 18f4520 ; OSCCONbits.IRCF = 0b110; LATA = 0b00000000; TRISA = 0b00000000;… Read more »

I tried to program the pic with a tl866ii selecting 18LF4520 and it worked. The RP5 pin is pulled-up, so the problem came definitively from the arduino programmer.

Unfortunately the PIC still stops just after the initial animation.

Olivier, Please make the following changes to main.c. Note that I have commented out the original lines of code (with //) but left them in place for reference. You may want to do likewise until you get everything running. // OSCCONbits.IRCF = 0b110; OSCCONbits.IRCF = 0b111; // ANSEL = 0b00000000; // ANSELH = 0b00000000; ADCON1 = 0b00001111; CMCON = 0b00000111; LATA = 0b00000000; TRISA = 0b00000000; LATB = 0b00000000; TRISB = 0b11111111; RBPU = 0; // WPUB = 0b11111111; LATC = 0b00000000; TRISC = 0b00110001; LATD = 0b00000000; TRISD = 0b00000000; LATE = 0b00000000; TRISE = 0b00001111; PR2 = 199;… Read more »

It WORKS !!! Thank you so much Brent, I missed the ADCON1 and CMCON initializations in the datasheet. I can play kill the bit on the breadboard ๐Ÿ™‚

I loaded kill the bit with no problems. It seems that saving works too.

Great! Please check your TRISC bits too, as according to the code you posted here you have unused pin RC2 configured as an input when it should be an output (so it doesn’t float). I finished checking the flash read/write routines in file.c, and I think they’re compatible with the PIC18F4520 as-is.

Yes I fixed the RC2 pin, I did a test with it and forgot to put it back.
I typed in my 2-complement program and it works fine. I could save it and reload it, so I would say everything is working great. I will upload the hex file for the 18f4520 if someone is interested.

Also make sure that subtle change to your OSCCON IRCF bits gets made, otherwise you’ll be running slow at 4 MHz.

yes I did, the speed is the same as the original digirule.

Oups, dรฉsolรฉ, รงa faisait un moment que je n’รฉtais plus venu sur le forum…je vois que tu as rรฉglรฉ ton problรจme avec l’aide de Brent Hauser..cool !!

En effet, il mโ€™a bien dรฉpannรฉ. Il me manquait lโ€™initialisation des registres ADCON1 et CMCON pour remplacer ANSEL et ANSELH. Jโ€™ai commandรฉ les PCB selon ton schรฉma, je suis prรชt ร  les recevoir maintenant ๐Ÿ™‚

Cool ! Pour l’alim, je fais tourner maintenant mes Digirule avec une pile CR2032; mรชme si les PICS sont des versions 5V, รงa marche bien.

Hi, I’m having a great time programming my new DigiRule2a. Early days, but I got a thrill out of writing a program to multiply two numbers and display the result. I’d like to build my own DigiRule2a using through-hole components to make a rugged version for my grandsons, but I haven’t programmed a PIC in years. Could I use a PIC16F877? I have a few left over from an old project.

Thanks for a great product!


Hi Brad, thank you very much for the reply. I have a PicsArt Plus programmer but this is quite old. It has an RS-232 interface and I don’t know whether it’s compatible with the PIC18f45k20. I expect modern programmers are much cheaper now.

I’ll most likely build my version on stripboard with big switches and LEDs coming through a front panel, so I don’t need Gerber files. I built a replica Cosmac Elf CDP1802 computer earlier this year on perfboard using wire-wrap sockets. That took me back a few decades!

I’ll look into programmers for the 18f45.

Best regards,


That should have been Picstart Plus of course!

Hello again Brad,

I’ve ordered three PIC18F45K20s which should arrive early next week. I think I know where I can borrow a PicKit 2 programmer. Failing that I’ll order a PicKit 3.

I don’t feel up to tweaking a C program. I’ve only ever programmed PICs in assembler, but since doing that I’ve spent some time on the Arduino so maybe I’m partway there.

I’ll let you know how my build goes. I may have questions too…

Best regards,


I have uploaded a small program to compute the 2 complement of a number.
By browsing the files uploaded, I saw a through-hole version of the digirule :
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Are the gerber files available ? Making the digirule by ourselves could be handy

thank you for your answer. I have just received my PICs, I will try first a breadboard version. I will keep you informed.


what an idiot I’ve been, I could have posted earlier my work ( with HEX files for both 18F4685 and 18F45K22 ).
Have fun ( as I have !! )


Thank you. I don’t see the files. Where did you put them ?

OK I see them, thank you !

Hi Brad,

I managed ๐Ÿ˜ to place my order on the 9th, you sent it “cheaply” on the 11th, and it arrived here in Canada ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ on the 27th. Many thanks.

– –

-teaser- Fascinated by the 70’s computers? So you have to get a 70’s game on it! What about a full Mastermind? Computer generates a 4-digits[0-7] number which you have to guess. For each of your guesses, the computer will tell you how many correctly placed digits and how many incorrectly placed digits you have by lightning up as many LED, 0 to 4 for each type. At the end, when you get the 4/0 final answer (4 correctly placed digits), you’ll see how many guesses you used. Just press a button and computer will be ready for another game! -/teaser-… Read more »

And of course I don’t know how to count… 249 bytes are used…
Code is coming soon.

Uploaded my mastermind!
User manual at the start of file. I tried to add lots of comments in the code but it may not be very easy to follow (self modifying code for example to access an array).
Have fun and let me know if there is any trouble with it.

I’ve also written my own assembler in Python with some different syntax.
Labels are followed by ‘:’, comments are started with ‘#’ (ok, cosmetic changes).
Constants are defined with the .DEF directive and storage can be reserved with .BYTE (associating a label with a storage address).
Code can be found on https://github.com/EmmanuelLazard/Digirule-2A along with the mastermind version for my assembler. Uploaded version here is for the online Drumm’s assembler

I am soooo impressed ! Your mastermind is impressive and fun to play with ๐Ÿ™‚

Hi Brad,

This project looks amazing and I want to build it myself! I’m new to microchips and I was wondering if you could explain to me how you programmed the code onto the chip, maybe in a video or just in descriptive words?

Thanks and keep up the great work!

Hello Brad,
Small mistake in documentation.
On the ruler, RETURN has code 30 and RETLA 31, whereas in the user manual, it’s the opposite (table on page 10 and page 49).
I’ve checked the source code and found that documentation is correct!
So you have to reprint the ruler for the next batch!

I’ve uploaded a quintessential “Das Blinkenlights” for the Digirule 2A. There are many variations possible, but I like this one because it creates some variation in how long a LED is illuminated.

Curiously, if you run this with SPEED 0, and watch the A0 and D0 LEDs, you’ll discern that RANDA is not quite random, but yields numbers with their lower 3 bits zero in a rather “too regular” pattern.

Hi Frank, The RANDA instruction provides a *pseudo* random number, not a truly random one. The implementation is relatively simple to remain in line with the 8-bit nature of the rest of the machine, and to hopefully provide a reasonable level of understandability to those who might study the code. When examined at the bit level you will definitely see a pattern as a result of the recirculating shift register used to implement the generator. However when examined as an entire number, things appear a bit more random. The generator has a period of 255, after which it will repeat… Read more »

Hi Brad, and many thanks for this project. I’m one of the lucky 50s that managed to order one Digirule yesterday during the 20mn window when they were available! While waiting for the ruler coming from down-under, I was playing with the code. One instruction I really think is missing is an indirect addressing mode. Something like COPYIA: copy a memory location in the accumulator; address is given by the previous content of the accumulator. It wouldn’t change the spirit of the project but would greatly improve programming capabilities. Without it, I’m struggling with self-modifying code to simulate the indirect… Read more »

Unfortunately no…

Hi Brad, any update on when you’ll have Digirule2/2A in stock on Tindie? They went out of stock like 1 day before I was going to order a couple, just my luck! ๐Ÿ™‚

[…] je me suis inspirรฉ un peu de l’Altair, et beaucoup plus du « Digirule 2 » : quelques switches, une poignรฉe de LEDs, et quelques artifices permettent […]

I received my DR2A more than a week ago, and spent most of that time trying to kill the battery running the 16-bit counter with speed set to 0. I got up to 53 hours, 45 minutes (intermittently) and gave up; the LEDs were so dim they were barely visible, the battery voltage was down to 1.7V, but the program churned on just fine! I measured the current while running that program (which keeps each LED on 50% of the time) and it averaged 15ma. The Energizer battery I was using was rated at 240mah (to 2V), so you can… Read more »

What criteria are sufficient for a โ€œstrongโ€ password?
I canโ€™t get past โ€œmediumโ€, and havenโ€™t been able to register for your pages and Forumโ€ฆ

Just received my DR2A – nice piece of work; I love it!
I couldn’t find Luke Drumm’s assembler. Has it been removed?

It’s there on http://digirulenotes.com/. You can download the web page and run it locally.
The Code Maker Excel file is in the download zip file.

OK, I know I’m old and half-blind, but I just don’t see it there! You have buttons to the various example programs (very nice!), but I don’t see a link or anything for the Assembler.

WAIT! Oh, $hit! – that page IS the assembler! Forest, no trees…

I did, thank you, Brad! It took me a while to realize the web page IS the assembler, and a nice emulator, to boot.

I do have another question, for you specifically:
What criteria are sufficient for a “strong” password?
I can’t get past “medium”, and haven’t been able to register for your pages and Forum…

I just got my Digirule2A and I put a battery in and it worked; well I was able to poke through all the memory addresses, so I put it away. I picked it up to do some more playing only to find that it won’t seem to turn on. I tried switching the battery and still no luck. Any quick things I can check.

Well some poking and prodding show that it works sometimes…and it has pulled my new 3v Energizer down to 2.6 or so in just a little use (entering the program from the video).

I see the issue….is there anyway to send a picture? there is a tab on the positive that is bent down touching the negative terminal of the battery. Dead short, most of the time! I bent it back and it seems to turn on consistently.

I’m not sure if I did it wrong at first; but it’s all good now. Thanks!

I’ve got my Digirule2 recently and I’d like to make one suggestion. The Halt instruction right now just stops the running program and erases any data displayed on the LEDs. In my opinion this should behave more like a breakpoint by stopping the program preserving the state at that particular instruction. O further press on Run should then continue from where it was.

Yes I have all kind of programmers. I’m not sure if I should modify the HALT instruction or add a new BRK one. I have just started looking at the code and I’ve recompiled Brent’s C code (with some 3 line changes) with the professional HiTech C compiler with all the optimizations turned on. The resulting firmware is half the size of the one compiled with MPLAB C (not that size or speed matters).

Zelea2, The HALT instruction simply stops the execution of instructions without losing any CPU or memory state information, as if the user had done so manually by pressing the Stop button. The PC is left pointing to the instruction immediately following the HALT, and you can resume execution from that point by pressing the Start button. The reason the Data LEDs change is because when the CPU stops you are now in the “edit” mode, so the Data LEDs are displaying the contents of memory at the location shown on the Address LEDs, instead of the contents of the Data… Read more »

Hi Brad,

I have just received the digirule 1A, and I think it does not have the update as when I try to select mode 10, 11 it will not allows me to select them, also the persistence of vision text does not display text.

Is there a way I can upgrade it myself?
Thank you

Hi Brad,

I reloaded the firmware and all is well now.

I also discovered that mode 10 and 11 are not part of the of the firmware update.

Thanks for your prompt reply.

Hi Brad! Great tool you made here. I got my one yesterday. It took 15 days for shipping to the other side of the planet. I made a few tests and it works great. This tool is a time machine. It took me back to the early days of computing. The bits and bytes could be felt under my hands. I know its only a simulation with a microcontroler of our days, but it feels so really old school. With this tool you are able to show the basics to the next generations. Without any wiping gestures and all the… Read more »

Hi Brad ! Very nice project ! I plan to use it in my computer science classroom next year, but can’t wait the next batch to put my hands on it !!! So I’ve decided to build my own device, thank you for having made it open source !!! A question however : 1k current limitting resistors for the leds, with a 3.3V voltage leads to a 1mA current if I can rely on my quick calculations…do the leds shine enough ? Maybe they are low consumptions ones ? Thank again for having given life to this wonderful project !… Read more »

Of course I’ll send you pictures of my finished product ๐Ÿ˜‰ Hope to get the PCB next week.
Thank you so much again for having shared your hard work !

Hi Brad ! I finally succeeded in building my own version of your amazing Digirule2 ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s a through-hole build based upon a 18F4685 for which I had to slightly refactor the code source kindly provided…yes, a bit oversized ( 96ko FLASH ) but my programmer doesn’t support the 18F45K20 and both have the same pinouts…It runs for now with a 5V power supply but I left room for a battery holder if ever I switch to the 45K20. It took me a week to find out why I experienced erratic behavior due to a lack of a pullup resistor… Read more »

Hi Brad ! I’ve uploaded two pictures of my baby… yes, not a Digirule anymore but rather a Digi-sheet or Digi-plate now :-)) No missing pullups in your perfect circuitry, it was my mistake when I sketched the schematic in Kicad. And another minor issue, I inverted the RUN and STOP leds ! I’m having fun with those little lights…though as I told you, my aim is to use the Digirule in an introduction course to low level programming in my computer science class. Just a suggestion for the firmware : I’ve added a previous / next register in location… Read more »

Thank you, Brad !

Yes, exactly, the location 251 now stores the status of the previous ( bit 7 ) and next ( bit 0 ) buttons. The idea for this came when I saw the 6-bit adder program code which has to waste a data button to valid…

By the way, many thanks to Brent Hauser too, whose code studying lets me greatly improve my C programming skills :-))

Very kind of you to say Chris. If you have any questions about the C code, feel free to ask!

[…] not if [Brad] has anything to say about it. His latest creation, the Digirule2, is essentially an 8-bit computer like those of the 1970โ€™s that just so happens to be a functional ruler as well. Forget lugging out the Altair 8800 next time youโ€™re in the […]

[…] not if [Brad] has something to say about it. His newest creation, the Digirule2, is basically an 8-bit laptop like these of the 1970โ€™s that simply so occurs to be a purposeful ruler as effecti…. Neglect lugging out the Altair 8800 subsequent time youโ€™re within the temper for some old […]

[…] not if [Brad] has anything to say about it. His latest creation, the Digirule2, is essentially an 8-bit computer like those of the 1970โ€™s that just so happens to be a functional ruler as well. Forget lugging out the Altair 8800 next time youโ€™re in the mood for some old school software […]

[…] not if [Brad] has anything to say about it. His latest creation, the Digirule2, is essentially an 8-bit computer like those of the 1970’s that just so happens to be a functional ruler as we…. Forget lugging out the Altair 8800 next time you’re in the mood for some old school software […]

WOW, a project thats not an Arduino !!!

A BIG THANK YOU to Brent Hauser for MPLABX firmware. I just re-programmed one of my Digirule2’s with a PicKIT3 and mplab_ipe. I like the way loading a program points to which button. And easily getting all zeroes or all ones will help when programming as well as the more versatile SPEED function. None of this is to detract from Brad’s highly original and excellent project.


You’re welcome! I’m very glad you are enjoying the Digirule 2 and the new C firmware!

Why didn’t anybody tell me about this when it was a Kickstarter project? I never had a chance to program an Altair, but I spent a LOT of time toggling programs into the switch register on a PDP-8 back in the early 70s. There’s no better way to learn how computers REALLY work than to start at the bottom.

I hope there will be another manufacturing batch of Digirule2s along sometime soon! I need to hand some out to young programmers (and keep one for myself too).

Latest bug fix for Digirule2 “walkthrough” emulator: XORRA now works. Also improved button detection logic.
This means that most of the code examples now work in the walkthrough.

Hi Brad,

Is there any way of using the ICSP header for IO? Either within your OS, or from raw PIC code?

Hmm well I guess if I’m desperate I could hang some photodiodes over the LEDs :p

[…] of the Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+ single-board computer, another of the ever-so-slightly less-powerful Digirule2, and of Adam Fisher’s exhaustive Valley of Genius: The Uncensored History of Silicon […]

I took my Digirule2 along to show some 9 year olds today. They came back with it a few minutes later and it was broken but not in an obvious way. The battery metal clasp looked like it had shifted a bit. When I got it home I realised they had probably re-inserted the battery in the wrong manner. They had bent down the side contact and judging by the voltage output of battery that had shorted the CR2032. For future editions are there any better battery holders which are more robust to mis-insertion and also ideally prevent polarity issues?… Read more »

What’s better than a Digirule2? 5 Digirule2s!



It’s fortunate the text segment isn’t read only ๐Ÿ™‚

Is it me or do the ADDRA and SUBRA instructions not work as advertised? They seem to behave exactly as the ADDLA and SUBLA instructions.

Edit: I think it’s just a bug in the digirulenotes simulator…

On the Digirule2 itself, it works properly, ADDRA adds the value at the address specified to the local accumulator. On the simulator though, the value of the address itself is added to the LA – just as ADDLA instruction would do. Test case: https://pastebin.com/raw/vSW0AF6J

Entirely possible. ๐Ÿ™‚ . The walkthrough feature is very much a work in progress.

This should hopefully now be fixed.

Could I pre-order five or ten DigiRule2 items? Kickstarter seems to be closed already: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1897710270/digirule2-code-in-binary-like-its-1975
P.S. Is it possible to attach a charger to the DigiRule2 , to avoid replacing the battery? How long can DigiRule2 work for, on one battery charge?

We’ve been asking for a few months now… Gotta wait until they are released to Tindie…. whenever that is at this point. I have a feeling the delays are due to shipping problems.

Battery should last a few months.

How big will the batch be? Any ideas? Thanks for replying too!

Just announcing for brad there is a couple digirules on tindie now that you can order

The SPEED instruction usefully allows slower execution with a higher number. The default power on SPEED = 0 is the fastest. However, I was surprised to learn that SPEED = 0 = 128 are approximately the same (I’m not complaining, just surprised). In my posted HelloWorld-Minimal which blinks D7 with very close to a one second on pulse and a one second off pulse as measured by a Saleae logic probe, when SPEED is set to either 0 or 128, the measured pulses are approximately 330 microseconds, i.e. the same speed. Here’s what I don’t get (I don’t know Swordfish… Read more »

Thank you

FYI the parameter to the SPEED instruction is interpreted differently in the Digirule 2A firmware. Instruction execution rates from 1 to 1000 ms on a logarithmic scale are now available. Please consult the User Manual for more information.

Hi Brad,
My digirule2 pack arrived today. I’ve started playing with it, and it is awesome. Two small things:
I just tried to upload a small text file with some program code and it says “Upload failed! Unknown error.”
Any idea what’s up?
Secondly, I noticed that the HEX file included in the downloads does not include the 8 preloaded programs, so if anyone wishes to mess around with a PicKit, they would do well to read and export the contents of the digirule2 first. Otherwise restoring the original state will involve typing in all 8 programs by hand….

I meant that I tried the user upload facility you provide on this page, and it failed. I’ve tried it again just now, and it worked. It is unclear why it failed previously.

Hey Brad,
My digirule2 hasn’t arrived yet. I live in California. Shouldn’t it have arrived already? I’m worried that something might’ve happened to it. Is there a way to track the package?

Just receive meine, i already love it ๐Ÿ™‚
I think the memory map and register description is missing (address 252 to 255).
I’m waiting for the Digirule 3 !!!
With screen, more memory and buzzer to make custom assembly games on a ruler !!!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x