Whisper Node, a Wireless Arduino-based platform on a single battery.

There’s a new Kickstarter campaign up and running which combines an Arduino with a long range wireless transceiver module which has been designed to operate on very low power. Full details can be found in the Kickstarter campaign: Whisper Node Kickstarter
Getting your Arduino to communicate to each other over-the-air, when powered by batteries, is now easier and cheaper with the new Whisper Node. This Arduino-compatible board, with wireless communication out-of-the-box has been specially designed to run for years on regular Alkaline batteries. The main difference from this and other Arduino boards is the highly-efficient power regulator, which will power up the micro-controller and the built in radio transceiver from a single AA battery or a coin-cell.
Relying on a sub-GHz radio, this board offers not only better range but also additional features like hardware encryption and CRC if compared to other popular 2.4Ghz RF modules. The kit comes with full headers and an external antenna. For additional convenience it also counts with 4Mbit flash memory chip, which can be used to store any data or even to perform MCU firmware upgrades over-the-air.
In case you need more power, still possible to plug an USB adapter and take advantage of the dual LDO regulator to drive anything you like. In this configuration you can still have a battery connected and use it as a backup supply. The whole idea is to give more flexibility without losing features.
Doesn’t matter if you’re a hobbyist or are doing some serious work, the Whisper Node is an essential tool when developing solutions for the connected world. Know more about this project by accessing the official Kickstarter campaign at:https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/340271897/whisper-node
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