dannymosquito wrote:Firstly>>> Thankyou Brad for this great tutorial
I am a total noob when it comes to microcontrollers. In the past when I've tried to look up info on the web regarding microcontrollers its been a little daunting and I've shyed away from it however seeing this true beginners guide to pics has given me the prod to finally jump in and give it a go.
Will let you know how I go with the tute. BTW I noticed that only the first two links are active will you be updating the other tutorial links in the future when you get the time?
Hi Danny, great to have you on board!
I will be uploading the rest of the tutorials and they all should be done within a week. I will try and get at least one done later tonight.
Basically I have all the info saved from when it was on my old site, I just need to transfer all that information over onto the new site, which takes a little bit of time because I need to reformat all the text, update links and resize the photos.
The rest of the site should be done within two weeks I imagine.
sdudley, one of the forum members and now good friend of mine started out his programming with the tuturials and he has now come a long way with his programming, his latest project is a music and sound fx chip designed for the LEDBOY handheld game system that plays all sorts of music and sound fx.
So you get to start off small, and then work your way up