The Great Race VB Style!
Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 3:04 am
Well, VB is coming along in leaps and bounds and I am having loads of fun learning this new language. I thought what better way to learn this new language than to re-create my very first game - The Great Race!
Well, It is currently in a working state with one track to drive on. This version of the game gives you a running tally of the distance you have travelled, Score and also shows you your speed using a progress bar. The faster you go, the more points you get (I.E. if you go 3000 Metres at a slow speed, you get LESS points than if you went the same distance at a faster speed) It also keeps your high score (up until you quit the game)
I have also incorporated a NES control pad to show you what keys you have pressed.
The interesting thing with VB.NET is that you can't work directly with binary numbers (which is great when working with pixel games like this) Thankfully AndyO from digital-diy has been kind enough to submit a snippit of code which helps in reading individual binary digits within a variable. The Graphic Data for this game is actually in the form of decimal numbers. I made a simple excel spreadsheet which allows you to draw the track, it then converts your track data in the required decimal data to paste into the game code.
Here's a snapshot of excel helping me out! The keys are:
A = Accelerate
Z = Decelerate
N = Drive Left
M = Drive Right
You can download the EXE file and play this on your PC for yourself! And Finally, The Sourcecode:
Well, It is currently in a working state with one track to drive on. This version of the game gives you a running tally of the distance you have travelled, Score and also shows you your speed using a progress bar. The faster you go, the more points you get (I.E. if you go 3000 Metres at a slow speed, you get LESS points than if you went the same distance at a faster speed) It also keeps your high score (up until you quit the game)
I have also incorporated a NES control pad to show you what keys you have pressed.
The interesting thing with VB.NET is that you can't work directly with binary numbers (which is great when working with pixel games like this) Thankfully AndyO from digital-diy has been kind enough to submit a snippit of code which helps in reading individual binary digits within a variable. The Graphic Data for this game is actually in the form of decimal numbers. I made a simple excel spreadsheet which allows you to draw the track, it then converts your track data in the required decimal data to paste into the game code.
Here's a snapshot of excel helping me out! The keys are:
A = Accelerate
Z = Decelerate
N = Drive Left
M = Drive Right
You can download the EXE file and play this on your PC for yourself! And Finally, The Sourcecode:
Code: Select all
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks
Public Class TheGreatRace
Dim Pixel(8, 8) As OvalShape
Dim TrackData(153) As Byte
Dim Car As Byte
Dim SomethingChanged As Boolean
Dim ButtonLeft As Boolean = False
Dim ButtonRight As Boolean = False
Dim ScrollOffset As Byte
Dim Pause As Boolean = False
Dim DistanceTravelled As Integer
Dim Accelerator As Byte
Dim GameSpeed As Integer
Dim ScorePrevious As Integer
Dim ScoreCounter As Integer
Dim ScoreMultiplier As Byte
Dim LapCount As Byte
Dim NoLeft As Boolean
Dim NoRight As Boolean
Dim crashed As Boolean
Dim HighScore As Integer
Private Function GetBit(ByVal ByteVal As Byte, ByVal BitNo As Byte) As Boolean
Return (ByteVal And (1 << BitNo)) >> BitNo
End Function
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
MessageBox.Show("Welcome to the great Race! Use A / Z to Increase / Decrease Speed and N / M To drive Left / Right")
HighScore = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyDown
Dim bHandled As Boolean = False
Select Case e.KeyCode
Case Keys.N
ButtonLeft = True
Case Keys.M
ButtonRight = True
Case Keys.A
PictureBoxArrowUp.Visible = True
If ProgressBarSpeed.Value <> 100 Then
ScoreMultiplier += 1
ProgressBarSpeed.Value += 10
End If
Accelerator -= 2
If Accelerator < 6 Then
Accelerator = 6
End If
Case Keys.Z
PictureBoxArrowDown.Visible = True
If ProgressBarSpeed.Value <> 0 Then
ScoreMultiplier -= 1
ProgressBarSpeed.Value -= 10
End If
Accelerator += 2
If Accelerator > 24 Then
Accelerator = 24
End If
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_KeyUp(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyUp
Dim bHandled As Boolean = False
Select Case e.KeyCode
Case Keys.N
ButtonLeft = False
PictureBoxArrowLeft.Visible = False
Case Keys.M
ButtonRight = False
PictureBoxArrowRight.Visible = False
Case Keys.A
PictureBoxArrowUp.Visible = False
Case Keys.Z
PictureBoxArrowDown.Visible = False
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub TimerGraphics_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TimerGraphics.Tick
Dim x As Byte
Dim y As Byte
Dim Result As Boolean ' used to grab a bit in a number
If SomethingChanged = True Then 'This ensures that we only update the graphics when something has changed (to prevent flickering)
LabelOdometer.Text = Str(DistanceTravelled)
For y = 1 To 8
For x = 1 To 8
Result = GetBit(TrackData(y + ScrollOffset), x - 1) ' y is the byte number then x is the bit we want within that byte, I have to take one away because I need to check bit 0 first (not bit 1)
If Result = True Then
Pixel(x, y).BackColor = Color.Crimson
Pixel(x, y).BackColor = Color.Black
End If
If y = 1 Then
Pixel(Car, y).BackColor = Color.Green
End If
If y = 1 Then
Result = GetBit(TrackData(y + ScrollOffset + 1), Car - 1) 'check our location to see if we have hit a wall.
If Result = True Then
crashed = True
Pause = True
End If
Result = GetBit(TrackData(y + ScrollOffset), Car)
If Result = True Then
NoLeft = True
NoLeft = False
End If
Result = GetBit(TrackData(y + ScrollOffset), Car - 2) 'again, we need - 2 here because the car starts at 0 whereas the data starts at 1
If Result = True Then
NoRight = True
NoRight = False
End If
End If
SomethingChanged = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub GameReset()
ProgressBarSpeed.Value = 0
Car = 4
SomethingChanged = True
ButtonLeft = False
ButtonRight = False
ScrollOffset = 0
Pause = False
DistanceTravelled = 0
Accelerator = 24
GameSpeed = Accelerator
ScorePrevious = 0
ScoreCounter = 0
ScoreMultiplier = 1
LapCount = 0
Dim x As Byte
Dim y As Byte
For x = 1 To 8
For y = 1 To 8
Pixel(x, y).BackColor = Color.Black
PictureBoxArrowLeft.Visible = False
PictureBoxArrowRight.Visible = False
PictureBoxArrowUp.Visible = False
PictureBoxArrowDown.Visible = False
PictureBoxButtonA.Visible = False
PictureBoxButtonB.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub CrashMessage()
If crashed = True Then
crashed = False
MessageBox.Show("You have Crashed!")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateScore()
If ScoreCounter >= HighScore Then
HighScore = ScoreCounter
End If
LabelHiScoreCounter.Text = Str(HighScore)
If Pause = False Then
LabelLapCount.Text = Str(LapCount)
ScorePrevious = ScoreCounter
ScoreCounter = Str(ScoreMultiplier + ScorePrevious)
LabelScoreTally.Text = ScoreCounter
End If
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateGraphics()
GameSpeed -= 1
If GameSpeed = 0 Then
GameSpeed = Accelerator
If Pause = False Then
DistanceTravelled += 10
SomethingChanged = True
ScrollOffset += 1
If ScrollOffset = 145 Then
ScrollOffset = 0
LapCount += 1
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TimerArrowKeys_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TimerArrowKeys.Tick
If ButtonLeft = True And Car <> 8 And NoLeft = False And Pause = False Then
PictureBoxArrowLeft.Visible = True
Car += 1
SomethingChanged = True
End If
If ButtonRight = True And Car <> 1 And NoRight = False And Pause = False Then
PictureBoxArrowRight.Visible = True
Car -= 1
SomethingChanged = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub LoadTrackData()
TrackData(1) = 129
TrackData(2) = 129
TrackData(3) = 129
TrackData(4) = 129
TrackData(5) = 129
TrackData(6) = 129
TrackData(7) = 129
TrackData(8) = 129
TrackData(9) = 195
TrackData(10) = 199
TrackData(11) = 207
TrackData(12) = 207
TrackData(13) = 199
TrackData(14) = 227
TrackData(15) = 227
TrackData(16) = 225
TrackData(17) = 241
TrackData(18) = 241
TrackData(19) = 249
TrackData(20) = 249
TrackData(21) = 241
TrackData(22) = 241
TrackData(23) = 225
TrackData(24) = 225
TrackData(25) = 227
TrackData(26) = 199
TrackData(27) = 207
TrackData(28) = 207
TrackData(29) = 199
TrackData(30) = 227
TrackData(31) = 227
TrackData(32) = 193
TrackData(33) = 193
TrackData(34) = 129
TrackData(35) = 129
TrackData(36) = 145
TrackData(37) = 153
TrackData(38) = 185
TrackData(39) = 185
TrackData(40) = 185
TrackData(41) = 185
TrackData(42) = 187
TrackData(43) = 155
TrackData(44) = 147
TrackData(45) = 147
TrackData(46) = 131
TrackData(47) = 131
TrackData(48) = 135
TrackData(49) = 199
TrackData(50) = 231
TrackData(51) = 231
TrackData(52) = 231
TrackData(53) = 231
TrackData(54) = 227
TrackData(55) = 225
TrackData(56) = 225
TrackData(57) = 193
TrackData(58) = 129
TrackData(59) = 129
TrackData(60) = 129
TrackData(61) = 137
TrackData(62) = 157
TrackData(63) = 157
TrackData(64) = 189
TrackData(65) = 189
TrackData(66) = 189
TrackData(67) = 157
TrackData(68) = 137
TrackData(69) = 137
TrackData(70) = 129
TrackData(71) = 193
TrackData(72) = 225
TrackData(73) = 227
TrackData(74) = 247
TrackData(75) = 247
TrackData(76) = 247
TrackData(77) = 231
TrackData(78) = 231
TrackData(79) = 195
TrackData(80) = 193
TrackData(81) = 129
TrackData(82) = 129
TrackData(83) = 129
TrackData(84) = 161
TrackData(85) = 177
TrackData(86) = 185
TrackData(87) = 185
TrackData(88) = 177
TrackData(89) = 161
TrackData(90) = 131
TrackData(91) = 135
TrackData(92) = 143
TrackData(93) = 159
TrackData(94) = 143
TrackData(95) = 135
TrackData(96) = 131
TrackData(97) = 195
TrackData(98) = 193
TrackData(99) = 225
TrackData(100) = 241
TrackData(101) = 249
TrackData(102) = 241
TrackData(103) = 225
TrackData(104) = 193
TrackData(105) = 193
TrackData(106) = 131
TrackData(107) = 131
TrackData(108) = 135
TrackData(109) = 143
TrackData(110) = 159
TrackData(111) = 191
TrackData(112) = 191
TrackData(113) = 191
TrackData(114) = 191
TrackData(115) = 191
TrackData(116) = 191
TrackData(117) = 191
TrackData(118) = 191
TrackData(119) = 191
TrackData(120) = 191
TrackData(121) = 191
TrackData(122) = 159
TrackData(123) = 143
TrackData(124) = 135
TrackData(125) = 195
TrackData(126) = 227
TrackData(127) = 225
TrackData(128) = 225
TrackData(129) = 193
TrackData(130) = 131
TrackData(131) = 135
TrackData(132) = 159
TrackData(133) = 143
TrackData(134) = 135
TrackData(135) = 195
TrackData(136) = 225
TrackData(137) = 241
TrackData(138) = 241
TrackData(139) = 249
TrackData(140) = 253
TrackData(141) = 253
TrackData(142) = 249
TrackData(143) = 241
TrackData(144) = 225
TrackData(145) = 193
TrackData(146) = 129
TrackData(147) = 129
TrackData(148) = 129
TrackData(149) = 129
TrackData(150) = 129
TrackData(151) = 129
TrackData(152) = 129
TrackData(153) = 129
End Sub
Private Sub DeclarePixels()
Pixel(1, 1) = OvalShape0
Pixel(2, 1) = OvalShape1
Pixel(3, 1) = OvalShape2
Pixel(4, 1) = OvalShape3
Pixel(5, 1) = OvalShape4
Pixel(6, 1) = OvalShape5
Pixel(7, 1) = OvalShape6
Pixel(8, 1) = OvalShape7
Pixel(1, 2) = OvalShape8
Pixel(2, 2) = OvalShape9
Pixel(3, 2) = OvalShape10
Pixel(4, 2) = OvalShape11
Pixel(5, 2) = OvalShape12
Pixel(6, 2) = OvalShape13
Pixel(7, 2) = OvalShape14
Pixel(8, 2) = OvalShape15
Pixel(1, 3) = OvalShape16
Pixel(2, 3) = OvalShape17
Pixel(3, 3) = OvalShape18
Pixel(4, 3) = OvalShape19
Pixel(5, 3) = OvalShape20
Pixel(6, 3) = OvalShape21
Pixel(7, 3) = OvalShape22
Pixel(8, 3) = OvalShape23
Pixel(1, 4) = OvalShape24
Pixel(2, 4) = OvalShape25
Pixel(3, 4) = OvalShape26
Pixel(4, 4) = OvalShape27
Pixel(5, 4) = OvalShape28
Pixel(6, 4) = OvalShape29
Pixel(7, 4) = OvalShape30
Pixel(8, 4) = OvalShape31
Pixel(1, 5) = OvalShape32
Pixel(2, 5) = OvalShape33
Pixel(3, 5) = OvalShape34
Pixel(4, 5) = OvalShape35
Pixel(5, 5) = OvalShape36
Pixel(6, 5) = OvalShape37
Pixel(7, 5) = OvalShape38
Pixel(8, 5) = OvalShape39
Pixel(1, 6) = OvalShape40
Pixel(2, 6) = OvalShape41
Pixel(3, 6) = OvalShape42
Pixel(4, 6) = OvalShape43
Pixel(5, 6) = OvalShape44
Pixel(6, 6) = OvalShape45
Pixel(7, 6) = OvalShape46
Pixel(8, 6) = OvalShape47
Pixel(1, 7) = OvalShape48
Pixel(2, 7) = OvalShape49
Pixel(3, 7) = OvalShape50
Pixel(4, 7) = OvalShape51
Pixel(5, 7) = OvalShape52
Pixel(6, 7) = OvalShape53
Pixel(7, 7) = OvalShape54
Pixel(8, 7) = OvalShape55
Pixel(1, 8) = OvalShape56
Pixel(2, 8) = OvalShape57
Pixel(3, 8) = OvalShape58
Pixel(4, 8) = OvalShape59
Pixel(5, 8) = OvalShape60
Pixel(6, 8) = OvalShape61
Pixel(7, 8) = OvalShape62
Pixel(8, 8) = OvalShape63
End Sub
End Class