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Brads Electronic Projects Forum • What kind of posts should I focus on?
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What kind of posts should I focus on?

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 12:07 pm
by Chuckt
Hi. What kind of posts should I focus on? Am I posting on topics that are too broad? Should I be focused on the hobby or is entertainment ok as well?

I posted about two students who made a VGA video card using an ATmega 644 and I know it wasn't a PIC or one of the microcontrollers that this site specializes in but I thought that the information on VGA was worth it in itself and that someone could translate it for another microcontroller. The reason I am interested in it is because I want to build an SBC so bad and the post is a key to doing something like that (making video).

I find that learning microcontrollers can involve things that I don't know enough about like CNC Machines. I saw some 7x7 inch and 12x12 CNC machines but I don't know if people are into spending hundreds of dollars for a machine. On the other hand, a person like me has to be exposed to equipment enough to make a decision in the future because it requires knowing if I am familiar with the processes, material and hardware enough to go and make something.

I don't know if I am posting the kinds of posts that the users here care about. I can tell there is activity on the number of page views.

Maybe some are more interested in completed projects or PIC projects?

I just thought about asking this question on my own. Nothing caused me to ask this question. I'm just trying to get along with the wishes of everyone here.


Re: What kind of posts should I focus on?

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 8:26 pm
by bitfogav
My personal view is that anything electronic goes whether its an Atmel or PIC microcontroller or even just a circuit which contains just passive conponents, a majority of us are probably more towards the PIC just because its easier to use and the Swordfish language we use is Fun!..

Your posts surely doesn't go unnoticed and its always an interest to see what else is going on in the electronic world..

VGA isn't something I know much about but if theres a project or something you would like to build then im sure me and Brad would be happy to help. :)

Re: What kind of posts should I focus on?

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 10:06 pm
by brad
I certainly appreciate your posts Chuck, you often give me something interesting to read up on, or a cool video to watch.

Your the one who is really keeping the forum going at the moment! I would absolutely love to have some more free time to get back into my projects and post all about it etc... I think that will happen a little later in the year once things settle down a bit at work and when our renovations are close to being complete :)

I remember a time when this forum was very active and we had all sorts of people talking about all sorts of projects! Ah, the good old days :)