GPS Ublox NEO6MV2 Module

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GPS Ublox NEO6MV2 Module

Post by bitfogav » Sun Apr 02, 2017 10:00 pm

Hi guys.. Thought I would share this one, I have a few of these GPS boards GYNEO6MV2 and I'm surprised considering the price how well they work!..
If you haven't experimented with GPS before then they maybe a little daunting at first but there is a lot of information on the web.
What I like is that you can use a cool windows programme by Ublox called Ucenter, this programme is useful to setup the GPS module (obviously this isn't required as they come ready to use) but you can change many settings via Ucenter,
but what I really like is once the GPS board is connected to Ucenter via a usb to serial converter you can use all the tools and gauges to show what satellites you're GPS module is picking up.
Communicating to the GPS module is via Usart.
ucentre.jpg (84.62 KiB) Viewed 15663 times
Ebay link at the time of posting this, the module is only £3.72 inc free post. (wow I couldn't make one myself for that!). ... EBIDX%3AIT
GPS module
GY-NEO6MV2.jpg (62.32 KiB) Viewed 15663 times
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Re: GPS Ublox NEO6MV2 Module

Post by brad » Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:35 pm

That is really cool bitfogav!

This would be a great little tool to show my students since we teach GPS theory in one of the navigation subjects. After buying components for dirt cheap year after year you would think i wouldn't be surprised that it only costs you that much - but it is still surprising!

What plans do you have for these little guys?

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Re: GPS Ublox NEO6MV2 Module

Post by bitfogav » Sat Apr 08, 2017 7:37 pm

brad wrote:After buying components for dirt cheap year after year you would think i wouldn't be surprised that it only costs you that much - but it is still surprising!

What plans do you have for these little guys?
The cost at present of just the neo6 GPS IC would cost me double the price of what the complete board cost from a china supplier, obviously unless I was ordering 1'000s then I guess they will be much cheaper :)

I'm currently just experimenting with these boards at the moment, but I was thinking of adding GPS to my Drone, that way I could track my flight location, time etc. It's surprising just what information you can obtain from these little things.. I could also get the Drone to land at the same location, that it took off from..

This is what I'm currently experimenting with, A small 128x64 Oled display hooked up to the GPS board via Arduino, I am only currently displaying the number of satellites and location data.. (location has been greyed out for privacy reason :)).
Location greyed out for privacy.
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Re: GPS Ublox NEO6MV2 Module

Post by brad » Sat Apr 15, 2017 9:44 pm

I was going to ask what was driving that display - but then you answered it in your post :)

I've seen video's of people using GPS tracking and they had a simple program running that would cause the drone to always stay at a certain location. They then physically grabbed the drone, moved it somewhere else and it went straight back to its set position.

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